Become a Member

Become a Member

By becoming a member of FACT you are helping to support our projects and your local community. Members receive regular newsletters as well as updates about FACT Events and Activities in the Forres Town Hall. We greatly appreciate all the support that we receive from all of our Members.

  • You will be one of the people that make up the group who nominates and elects Volunteers to serve as our Directors, normally at our Annual General Meeting. 
  • You are helping to support our projects and the community.
  • You are giving something back to the local area and helping to shape the future of the community.
  • You will receive regular newsletters about our work. 
  • You will be included in regular updates about FACT Events, Forres Town Hall Events, as well as information about what is going on in the wider Forres Area.
  • We will include you in opportunities to take part in local consultations that we are involved in. 
  • You will have opportunities to network and share with other members. If you are new to the area, you will get easy access to getting connected to local groups and to the opportunity to make friends within the community.

To become a FACT Member, please fill out an Application Form.

You can fill the Form in online, or download the Form and complete it before returning it to us:

Send completed Membership Application Forms to:

Forres Town Hall, High Street, Forres, IV36 1PB or email a copy of the Form to [email protected]

If you struggle to complete forms, why not come and talk to us instead and we can help you face to face.

Online Application

I wish to apply for Membership of the Forres Area Community Trust (FACT) and can confirm that I support the aims and objectives as outlined in the Articles of Association.

The FACT Directors will consider your application at the next Board Meeting and will notify you of their decision by email or by post.

Full FACT Members are entitled to elect and be elected as a FACT Directors and join the FACT Board.

A FACT Director is a Voluntary role within the organisation.

All FACT Members will receive regular updates and are welcome to comment on, support and get involved in our Activities, Events and Projects.



Personal Details

For more information on how we store & use your data please see our privacy statement.

For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 32