The Cameron Project

Supporting the socially isolated

The Cameron Project is FACT’s special project which aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness in the local community. The project offers a befriending service, events and a wide variety of activities aimed at all walks of society. 

The Cameron Project is named after local postman William Cameron who left the majority of his wealth to residents of a local old people’s home where he spent his final years. 

Mr Cameron is believed to have inherited much of his fortune from his family. Apart from his service with the Gordon Highlands in WW1, he worked in the Post Office from 1912 until he retired in 1958. He died at Leanchoil hospital in Forres in 1982. 

When the home he had bequeathed his estate to closed down, the bequest had to be revised. Charitable status for what had become known as the Auchernack Trust was made and allowed it to be used for the benefit of the elderly and isolated community in the Forres area. FACT is delighted to receive support from the Auchernack Trust.

If you feel disconnected, lonely and isolated and are finding it difficult to get out, a Befriender can help you. It may be a visit, a new activity or a trip out, a supportive volunteer can help make the small steps to reconnect you to your own community. 

“You’ll receive ten fold what you put into befriending someone, their joy is your joy.”


If you would like more information about the Cameron Project, to use the service or to volunteer, please contact FACT on 01309 674 388 or email


A ‘Befriender’ is a special person. They are kind, caring and dedicated people who love to work with others. They are active listeners and can provide conversation and companionship. They are also good at spotting worrying signs and alerting us to someone needing extra help.

Volunteering for such a role can be for as few or as many hours as you wish to give. You might be an active older person yourself and enjoy connecting with and supporting others. Or you might be a young person wanting to develop a career in the health and care sector.  Befriending and supporting people is such a rewarding role, and you can never underestimate the joy and insight that it can bring. It can increase your confidence, develop your own skills and experience. Also, if you are of working age, it can give you valuable transferable skills and an up to date reference for employment.


The Cameron Project also runs a diverse selection of creative activities to encourage social interaction and a feeling of accomplishment through creation. From book-binding to weaving, and card-making to dancing – check out our What’s On page for current events. 

Gentle Seated Exercise

Exercise benefits everyone. In fact, if age or disabilities have limited mobility, it’s even more essential to enjoy the mind and health-boosting effects of staying active. 

So if you fancy some seated tummy twists, overhead stretches, hand and thigh squeezes or knee lifts, come and join our excellent chair exercises.

When can you join us? Every Tuesday from 10:30 am – 12.00 noon at Forres Town Hall.  Obligatory post exercise cuppa is provided when we’ve burned off a few calories.

Directory of Services for People in the Forres Area

This information directory contains information about groups, services and activities within the Forres Area. You can pick up a copy of the directory from:

  • The FACT Office at Forres Town Hall
  • Forres Library and Community Centre
  • Health Centre and GP practices 

Copies are available in audio format and in large print, on request from the FACT office.

You can also download a digital copy of the information directory.

If you are a social or support group for people, or offer a community service and would like to be featured in the next edition, please email details to us on 01309 674 388 or