Asking for Information

Asking for Information

FACT welcomes requests for information and complies with legislation on Data Protection. This guidance tells you what you can expect and how to make a request for information.

Information about you

You have a right under the Data Protection Act to see certain information held by us about you. We may hold information about you to enable us to provide you with the best services. This may include your name and contact details and if you are a member of staff will include information held on a personnel file.

As a controller of personal data, we are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

If you want to see this information then you must make this request in writing (or in some other recordable form) to;

Forres Area Community Trust
Forres Town Hall
High Street
IV36 1PB

Or by email to [email protected]

You need to be specific about what you want. You must provide photographic  proof of your identity (preferably a copy of your driving licence or passport). There may be a charge for providing the information and we will tell you about these charges if they apply to the request you make. 

We have one month to respond to your request, which we can extend by a further two months if your request is complex or we have received a number of requests from you. There are exemptions in the legislation which may mean that we do not need to comply with all, or part, of your request. If you are not happy with how we deal with your request, please let us know and we will try to resolve your complaint. If you are still not happy, you should contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Information about anything else

FACT, as per most charities and voluntary organisations, is not subject to Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act. This means you do not have rights to access the information we  hold (other than that covered in the section above). However we try to work in the spirit of the Act and transparent governance, and therefore we welcome members of the public requesting information we hold.

If you want to see information about us, then firstly check our Information Publication Scheme and check that we haven’t already published the information you want. If we haven’t already published it, then you can make a request for what you want, in writing (or in some other recordable form), to;

Forres Area Community Trust
Forres Town Hall
High Street
IV36 1PB

Or by email to [email protected]

You need to be specific about what you want. There will be a charge for providing the information, and we will provide a quotation for the work before we start. 

Sometimes there will be reasons why we cannot provide the information you want and sometimes there will be reasons why we will refuse to give the information to you. In these cases, we will tell you why. 

Information Publication Scheme

As well as responding to requests for information, we try to publish information proactively about FACT.  This includes policies and procedures, minutes of meetings, annual reports and financial information. We also share here the outcomes of any consultations and local studies we have been commissioned or funded to undertake, which should be published in the public domain or for public benefit. 

Key documents

  • Annual reports and financial statements
  • Policies
  • Minutes of meetings
  • Local area reports and consultations
  • See Reports

Information about the trust is also available from the Companies House website: