Town Hall News

Activities Assistant – Filled

  • Job Title: Activities Assistant
  • Employer: Forres Area Community Trust
  • Pay Scale: £9,984 plus pension
  • Hours of Work: 16 hours per week
  • Responsible to: Facilities Co-ordinator
  • Contract Length: until 30th September 2022 – extension subject to funding.

Project Description and Aim

Forres Area Community Trust (FACT) has secured funding through the Beatrice Fund, Peoples Postcode Lottery Fund and the Strengthening Communities Recovery Fund to provide activities and resources to address social isolation and increase connectivity (both digitally and socially) across the Forres area

The project contributes to the following outcomes:

  • To improve the quality of life and resilience of the community
  • To improve the skills of volunteers through training and engagement
  • That people in the Forres area are less isolated and make connections

FACT will manage a programme to provide activities, responsive digital help and services to the Forres community. The programme includes free drop-in sessions, outreach sessions, evening classes, talks and community events and activities.

Person Specification


  • Excellent IT skills (including proficiency with Windows, Mac, Android and iOS)
  • Excellent communication skills and an approachable manner
  • An organised approach to work and excellent time management skills
  • Experience of working with and supporting people
  • Ability to work as part of a team and on own initiative
  • Cooperative attitude
  • Experience of working with volunteers
  • Ability to undertake marketing and promotion of the project


  • Familiarity with 3rd sector organisations
  • Knowledge of local Forres community and organisations in the area
  • The ability to travel to various locations in our catchment area
  • An understanding of event management

Key Tasks

  • Supporting the Project Coordinators to deliver key project objectives
  • Supporting the development and delivery of activities and events
  • Supporting the marketing of the programme through social media and printed matter
  • Maintaining records of attendance and recording other key information as required
  • Updating and maintaining project equipment
  • Attending outreach sessions to deliver activities in the Forres area
  • Attending evening programme sessions when necessary
  • Supporting volunteers to learn new skills
  • Undertake reception duties in Forres Town Hall
  • And any other relevant duties that may arise as the work of the project evolves

This job description reflects the major tasks to be carried out by the post holder and identifies the level of responsibility at which they will be required to work. In the interests of effective working, the major tasks may be reviewed from time to time to reflect changing project needs and circumstances. Such reviews and any consequential changes will be carried out in consultation with the post holder.


For more information please contact on or 01309 674 388.

  • Closing Date Wednesday 13th October 2021 at 12 noon.
  • Interviews on the 18th October 2021

Drumming & Gentle Seated Exercises

Great News.. Drumming and Gentle Seated Exercises with Sharon from Active Minds Moray, are back for good!

You will need 2 scarves and 2 small tins. The sessions are online or face to face in the Forres Town Hall.

Tuesdays, 1030am – 12 midday

Transport with the Osprey Bus is available for a small donation.

To book your place and transport, if required, contact Kirsty on 01309 674388 or email

Coffee Mornings are back!

FACT – Pop Up Coffee Morning – Saturday 18 September – 10am to 12 noon – Forres Town Hall

As part of our new programme of events FACT will be holding a Pop Up Coffee Morning on Saturday 18 September, from 10am until 12 noon in the Forres Town Hall.  Everyone is welcome to come along.  This is one of a series of Coffee Mornings being held each Saturday in the Town Hall. 

Here is a current list of dates and who the Coffee Morning is in aid of:

Saturday 18 September – in aid of Forres Town Hall

Saturday 25 September – in aid of Lossie Entertainment Academy

Saturday 2 October – Pop Up, to be confirmed.

Saturday 9 October – in aid of Moray Hydrotherapy Pool

Saturday 16 October – in aid of Forres St Lawrence Cricket Club

Saturday 23 October – in aid of Forres OAP Association

Saturday 30 October – in aid of Logie Primary School Parent Council

Survey for Forres Area Community Trust

In March 2021 Forres Town Hall changed owners – thanks to a successful community asset transfer – and is now owned by the community. As many of you will know there are plans for a significant regeneration project for the building.

As part of this process, and in light of the Covid-19 pandemic which has meant huge changes for so many of us, we have to know more about what the community now needs from the Town Hall. The regeneration proposal transforms the Town Hall into multipurpose flexible spaces for a wide range of activities and services.

We’re keen to know in what ways the community would like to see these spaces used and what the likely demand will be. That’s why we’re sending out this short survey.

You can either complete it online on SurveyMonkey, download a digital version or pick up a printed version from the Town Hall Office or the Grant Park Event on 21st of August 2021.

Please return completed paper surveys to the Town Hall Office.

The survey is open for 4 weeks and closes on 9 September 2021.

Thanks for taking part!

Find Out the FACTs

An activity day where people can try their hand at drumming, listen to children’s storytelling sessions and enjoy a spot of Highland dancing and piping is taking place this month.

Forres Area Community Trust is staging a ‘Find Out the FACTs’ event in Grant Park on 21st of August.

The event is to showcase what the Trust does and how the Forres Town Hall is used.

Kirsty Williams, who is the Old Persons’ Project Co-ordinator with FACT and who is organising the day explained: “We are really looking forward to Find Out the FACTs which is really an opportunity for people to come along, have some fun and find out more about what we do.

“FACT works with so many different partners and we have a very busy schedule with loads of activities that support many different groups in the community. All we want to do at our Grant Park event is spread awareness of what’s available to do in the area, not just by ourselves but those organisations and groups we work in partnership with to make the area a better place to live, work and visit.”

“Through the pandemic, FACT really came to the fore and we worked with a range of partners to support those who were vulnerable or struggling during the lockdowns, but now things are getting better and restrictions are easing, we are working on promoting our classes and workshops and just want to showcase what we and our partners have to offer the people of the area.”

In March, it was announced that FACT had taken ownership of Forres Town Hall after a successful community asset transfer process. The Trust had been managing the building since 2018.

It is now pushing forward with a fundraising strategy to raise the £3.4 million for a regeneration project to redevelop the building as a thriving venue and facility fit for the 21st century and to provide services and resources for the area into the future.

Kirsty said: “FACT is delighted to be the custodian of the Town Hall on behalf of the community, and our event will also allow us to talk to the public about the hall and what the plans are for its future. We can also share with attendees about all the great activities that take place in the hall.”

Find Out the FACTs will take place between midday and 4pm on 21st of August.

FACT secured funding from the Scottish Government, via Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), from the Communities Recovery Fund.

Kirsty said: “HIE is co-ordinating the Communities Recovery Fund in the Highlands and Islands, on behalf of the Scottish Government, for all eligible community organisations, who are implementing changes to reintroduce the delivery of existing services and activities that have been suspended or severely reduced because of COVID-19 and/or deliver new services identified as a priority by the community as a result of COVID-19.”

“We are delighted that our event is able to go ahead after securing this funding. There will something for everyone. We have some great entertainment lined up and there is something for all age groups. We have drumming with Active Minds Moray, Forres Online will be there to explain how they can help people improve their digital knowledge, we will have storytelling from Margot Henderson, Scottish country dancers and pipers from the Forres and District Pipe Band.

“We invite people to come along and bring a picnic and spend the afternoon with us. It’s a real community event. Wave Radio are supporting us by handling the announcing and the organisers of the Forres Highland Games which have been hit hard by the pandemic are lending us tables and chairs.

“If a picnic is not your thing, we will be situated near Mather’s so there will be an opportunity to grab something from there as well, and for kids to not only enjoy what we have on offer but have fun at the playpark and in Grant Park too.”

Next steps for Forres Town Hall

Forres Town Hall logo

As FACT conclude the final stages of a Community Asset Transfer for Forres Town Hall, with support from the Scottish Land Fund, steps are now underway for a major Refurbishment Project for the Town Hall.

This project aims to bring the building up to current standards in terms of accessibility, building services and fabric insulation, and to repair and refurbish the building in order that the nearly 200 year old Forres Town Hall can continue to thrive in the 21st century.

Since 2017, following extensive community consultation, FACT has been able to develop a clear vision for Forres Town Hall, which will see its functionality transformed. The stated aims of that vision are: 

  • The wish to transform the Main Hall into a modern multi-purpose accessible performance space      
  • A need to ensure universal accessibility to upper floor accommodation at both the front and the rear of the building 
  • A need to maximise opportunities to create additional flexible floor space for use by the community and social enterprises 
  • The wish to restore the Lesser Hall to become a beautiful event space once more that celebrates the heritage of the building 
  • The wish to make the entrance foyer more welcoming and practical 

To achieve the above future vision for Forres Town Hall, funding from the Scottish Land Fund, which also supported the Community Asset Transfer, has enabled applications for planning permission and listed building consent to be submitted to Moray Council’s Planning Department for a transformative project to refurbish, insulate and improve the building.

Links to the planning application and listed building consent applications can be found on Moray Council’s Planning Online portal under Ref.No. 20/00888/APP and  Ref. No. 20/00889/LBC.  The Design and Heritage Statement, one of the supporting documents submitted as part of the planning and listed building consent applications, provides a full summary of the design proposals. 

The design proposals submitted for planning permission and listed building consent, sub-divides the Town Hall into three parts – a front section with foyer, toilets and a restored Lesser Town Hall, a central section with a large multi-purpose performance space and a rear section with three levels of flexible workspace, and meeting rooms. It does this by proposing: 

  1. To remove the art deco alterations from the Main Hall – revealing the original roof structure – and to install retractable seating in its place, to allow the Hall to be used for more flexible uses 
  2. Through removing the gallery in the Main Hall, to re-purpose the first-floor corridors (and the stairs that lead to them) that service the gallery as flexible work/ meeting space and storage 
  3. To create new multi-purpose rooms and support space over three floors in the place of the current stage, including a new room below the roof structure overlooking the Main Hall 
  4. To insert a new second floor mezzanine in the first-floor room on the front elevation
  5. To provide new platform lifts at the front and rear of the building, to provide almost universal access throughout  
  6. To introduce natural light to the Main Hall via new rooflights 
  7. To provide modern fit for purpose sanitary facilities including accessible toilets and an accessible shower 
  8. To greatly improve the functionality and size of the existing kitchen 
  9. To establish dedicated plant space at the rear of the Main Hall to allow the future installation of efficient energy systems 
  10. To restore the Lesser Hall to its former grandeur through careful restoration and redecoration 
  11. To improve external accessibility to the building by adjusting external levels and improving surfacing in the pend 
  12. To carry out essential and desirable fabric repairs 

The Long section drawing shown below gives an idea of some of the above changes.

Community Asset Transfer and lockdown

When Moray Council took the decision to close Forres Town Hall completely in 2017, Forres Area Community Trust (FACT) stepped in to lease and manage the building on behalf of the community. This has been very successful as FACT have worked with user groups to increase occupancy and use of the building which doubled in the first 12 months of taking on the building. 

Until lockdown earlier this year a wide range of user groups including Forres & District Pipe Band, the Varis Players, Film Forres and the Forres branch of the Royal Scottish County Dance Society have been able to continue using this space. 

FACT has also been able to offer various activities in the Town Hall such as the popular Forres Online drop in sessions, and Older Persons Project activities such as gentle seated exercise and welcomed new groups to use the building including Turning Point Church, Zumba and Pound exercise classes, Guide Dog Training and community meals with Moray Food Plus. 

During lockdown it has been possible for Forres Town Hall to serve as a hub for the Forres & Kinloss community food project which has allocated over 1,000 meals since May of this year. It has also been open at limited times for donations to be made to the Scrubs project, food donations, masks, and blankets for the Cameron Project in a Covid-safe way. It has even been possible during lockdown to have the help of volunteers to refresh some of the current décor in the North Room on a socially distanced basis. 

Following the successful lease period, FACT is now in the final stages of concluding a Community Asset Transfer for Forres Town Hall, with support from the Scottish Land Fund. The final sale has not yet gone through as it has been delayed by the pandemic, however this is expected to complete before the end of the year. The building will then be owned by the Forres Area Community Trust on behalf of the community.

Community group celebrates first anniversary running Moray town hall by submitting bid to own it

by David MacKay, Press & Journal

Picture: L2R – Vicky Flood (Community Development Worker), Kirsty Williams (older Persons Project Co-ordinator), Janice Cooper (Forres On-line Co-ordinator), Kirtsy-Ann Wilson (graduate Marketing), Rory Dutton (Tenant Co-Worker) and front – Debbie Herron (Development Manager) Picture by JASON HEDGES

A community group has submitted a bid to take over a cherished Moray landmark and bring it back to life.

Today is the first anniversary of Forres Area Community Trust (Fact) signing a lease to prevent the local town hall closing.

Now the charity is aiming to take over the ownership of the Victorian building, which has been a gathering point for generations, as well.

Today new art gallery will be opened in the hall during a party to celebrate the landmark, which dates back to the 1850s.

Annual Hogmanay bashes have been revived at the hall for the first time since the 1960s and the town centre venue is also now fully booked for Saturday coffee mornings until the end of next year.

Debbie Herron, Fact’s development manager, wants to preserve the building’s strong links with the community.

She said: “During the last year we’ve had a few people come in who have met their husbands and wives here – it used to be very popular with a lot of evening dances.

“The social history of the building is really important. We knew it was important to the community but I didn’t realise how much until this year.”

Forres Town Hall faced closure with similar venues last year due to budget cuts from Moray Council. Fact has applied to the authority for ownership of the hall to be transferred to them.

Meetings have been set up between Fact, other groups who have taken on their own community facilities and council staff so they can learn from what each other is doing.

The group has drawn up plans for a £1.9million refurbishment of the Forres hall to build on the success of film screenings in the venue with tiered seating and more gallery and office space.

Mrs Herron added: “The biggest challenge for us at the moment is the condition of the building.

“It’s nearly 200 years old now. The roof leaks in places, it’s safe but it’s just another thing that needs repaired.

“Ultimately we want to completely refurbish the entire hall over the next five years. It doesn’t make best use of space at the moment so there’s a lot of untapped potential.”

The celebration at Forres Town Hall today will run from 4pm to 6pm with regular users of the venue present to provide information about what they do.